SMF SSI.php Functions

Current Version: 2.0

This file is used to demonstrate the capabilities of SSI.php using PHP include functions. The examples show the include tag, then the results of it.

Include Code

To use SSI.php in your page add at the very top of your page before the <html> tag on line 1 of your php file:

Code: [Select]
<?php require("SSI.php"); ?>

Some notes on usage

All the functions have an output method parameter. This can either be "echo" (the default) or "array"

If it is "echo", the function will act normally - otherwise, it will return an array containing information about the requested task. For example, it might return a list of topics for ssi_recentTopics.

This functionality can be used to allow you to present the information in any way you wish.

Additional Guides & FAQ

Need more information on using SSI.php? Check out Using SSI.php article or the SSI FAQ.

Recent Topics Function

Code (simple mode)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?>

Code (advanced mode)

Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentTopics($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'echo'); ?>


Recent Posts Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentPosts(); ?>


Recent Poll Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentPoll(); ?>


Top Boards Function

Shows top boards by the number of posts.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topBoards(); ?>


Top Poll Function

Shows the most-voted-in poll.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topPoll(); ?>


Top Poster Function

Shows the top poster's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_topPoster(); ?>


Latest Member Function

Shows the latest member's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_latestMember(); ?>


Please welcome Cowboy Dude, our newest member.

Member of the Day

Shows one random member of the day. This changes once a day.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_randomMember('day'); ?>


- V2/General Blockster [BL_ID: 9855]

Who's Online Function

This function shows who are online inside the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_whosOnline(); ?>


2 Guests, 0 Users

Log Online Presence

This function logs the SSI page's visitor, then shows the Who's Online list. In other words, this function shows who are online inside and outside the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_logOnline(); ?>


1 Guest, 0 Users

Login Function

Shows a login box only when user is not logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_login(); ?>



Logout Function

Shows a logout link only when user is logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_logout(); ?>


Welcome Function

Greets users or guests, also shows user's messages if logged in.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_welcome(); ?>


Welcome, Guest. Please login or register.

Today's Calendar Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysCalendar(); ?>


Today's Birthdays Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysBirthdays(); ?>


Today's Holidays Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysHolidays(); ?>


Today's Events Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_todaysEvents(); ?>


Recent Calendar Events Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentEvents(); ?>


Forum Stats

Shows some basic forum stats: total members, posts, topics, boards, etc.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_boardStats(); ?>


Total Members: 24
Total Posts: 51
Total Topics: 21
Total Categories: 3
Total Boards: 10

News Function

Shows random forum news.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_news(); ?>


SMF - Just Installed!

Board News Function

Shows the latest posts from read only boards, or a specific board.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_boardNews(); ?>


xx 8 Years of Block Wars!

December 23, 2015, 11:11:34 PM by oh shit waddup

Happy 8 year anniversary!

8 years ago today I started the first Block Wars topic that would eventually produce the short film version of the machinima parody we know it as today.

Wow. That's the weirdest feeling. Cause see, 8 years is a long time, but 2 years is not a long time at all, and in 2 years it'll officially have been a decade since I first decided to start making Blockland machinima.

I just thought I'd let you all know that basically if it hadn't been for that first machinima we wouldn't have BLC today. So hoorah!
4 comments | Write Comment

xx The Karma System

December 04, 2015, 12:58:44 PM by oh shit waddup
So basically I noticed back when setting up the forum for the clan that SMF has a karma system (that for obvious reasons Badspot doesn't use on the BLF).

Well, here on the BLCF, we'll be using it as a way to determine blacklisting members.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to create a system for guests vs registered members and I decided to just say fuck it and let anyone join the forums, cause why not. You don't have to be a member of the clan just to talk about Blockland videos.

So anyway, with that said and with the clan starting to gain more members that we might start using these forums more, I've decided to remind you all that the karma system is available.

If you think someone is a problem user who either has too many terrible ideas, terrible attitudes, or just is terrible in general, go ahead and give them  a "fuck you." The amount of "fuck you" over "ya' done good" a person has will determine their quality as a member of these forums and if they continue to cause trouble without trying to rectify their situation (every person who gets to a certain low point of "fuck you" will be given one chance to try and redeem themselves) then they will be banned, or at least, dealt with accordingly.

Of course, try not to abuse the system. If you notice you're getting nothing but "fuck you" and know you're not breaking any rules or being a general dick (at least, you think so) then let me know and song long as you have proof you're being abused I'll clear your karma and ban anyone we find out is misusing their karma points (in fact, I'll add that as one of the rules of the forums as soon as I finish here).

And as for "ya' done good," those are also entirely optional and I'd suggest we save them for truly stellar moments of importance and not use them like "likes" on a Faceboob post.

So finally, I'm gonna sticky this topic but leave it open for discussion as I believe in creating an environment that encourages fair moderation, so if anyone ever has anything they don't like about the system or suggestions on better moderation or whathaveyou, here's the place to do that.
1 comment | Write Comment

xx ►►►Forum Rules

October 03, 2015, 05:55:22 PM by oh shit waddup
Some of these are from Blockland Forums

1. Do not post ambiguous topics - The title of your thread should describe its contents.  If you are asking a question, there should be a question mark at the end.  Ambiguous topics will be locked.

2. Do not post severely adult content - Softcore isn't exactly frowned upon if its in context, but use good judgement when posting content.

3. Use the Search feature before posting a question.

4. Think before you post - Completely unintelligible posts will be locked and moved to garbage.

5. Do not flame - If the entire point of your post is to tell someone what an idiot they are, don't bother. 

6. Do not cross post. - Do not post the same thing in more than one forum. 

7. No pyramid/referral schemes -  No one is going to give you money or an iPod/flatscreeen monitor/xbox 360/whatever just for getting people to click on some crappy link.  It's a scam to get you to spam forums for them.  Stop posting this crap. 

8. No chain-letter style spam - Copy and paste this message into 5 threads and you will be permanently banned.

9. Film ideas must be thought out - If you're going to suggest an idea for a movie, it must be in proper format else the topic will be locked and removed.

10. Do not abuse the karma system - Though this is generally harder to pinpoint, if you're caught downvoting someone for no good reason or orchestrating people to do this in order to get an innocent user banned, you yourself will be banned- no exceptions.

Menubar Function

Displays a menu bar, like one displayed at the top of the forum.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_menubar(); ?>


Home Help Login Register

Quick Search Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_quickSearch(); ?>


Recent Attachments Function


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_recentAttachments(); ?>


File Posted by Downloads Filesize
113.gif Balerinnaza 26 3.51kB
148.gif Balerinnaza 11 3.63kB
97.gif Balerinnaza 17 3.17kB

Show Single Poll

Shows a poll in the specified topic.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_showPoll($topicID); ?>


Not shown because it needs specific topic ID that contains a poll.

Show Single Post

Fetches a post with a particular IDs. By default will only show if you have permission to the see the board in question. This can be overriden by passing the 2nd parameter as true.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchPosts($postIDs, $isOverride); ?>


Not shown because it needs a specific post ID.

Show Single Member

Shows the specified member's name and profile link.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchMember($memberIDs); ?>


Not shown because it needs a specific member ID.

Show Group Members

Shows all members in a specified group.


Code: [Select]
<?php ssi_fetchGroupMembers($groupIDs); ?>


Not shown because it needs specific membergroup IDs.

Home Page Sample

This sample uses the following features: ssi_recentTopics(), ssi_logOnline(), ssi_welcome(), and ssi_boardNews(). ssi_recentTopics() is fetched using the array method, to allow further customizations on the output.


Code: [Select]
<?php require("SSI.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>SSI.php example for home page</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 80%; background: #DFDFDF; color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 } ul,ol { padding-left: 19px; margin: 0; } li { font-size: 11px; } h1,h2,h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } h3 { font-size: 15px; } a:link,a:visited { color: #FF9000; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #container { background: #52514E; width: 100%; border: 1px solid midnightblue; line-height: 150%; margin: 0; } #header,#footer { color: lightgray; background-color: #2A2825; clear: both; padding: .5em; } #leftbar { background: #DF7E00; float: left; width: 160px; margin: 0; padding: 1em; } #leftbar a { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; } #content { margin-left: 190px; padding: 1em; } #navigation { float: right; } #navigation a:link,#navigation a:visited { color: #FF9000; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> | <a href="#">Link</a> </div> <h1 class="header"></h1> </div> <div id="leftbar"> <h3>Recent Forum Topics</h3> <ul> <?php // Using array method to show shorter display style. $topics = ssi_recentTopics(8, null, null, 'array'); foreach ($topics as $topic) { // Uncomment the following code to get a listing of array elements that SMF provides for this function. // echo '<pre>', print_r($topic), '</pre>'; echo ' <li><a href=\"', $topic['href'], '\">', $topic['subject'], '</a> ', $txt['by'], ' ', $topics[$i]['poster']['link'], '</li>'; } unset($topics); ?> </ul><br /> <h3>Online Users</h3> <?php ssi_logOnline(); ?> </div> <div id="content"> <?php ssi_welcome(); ?><br /><br /> <h2>News</h2> <?php ssi_boardNews(); ?> </div> <div id="footer"> <a target="_blank" rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a> This sample website layout is dedicated to the <a target="_blank" rel="license" href="">Public Domain</a>. </div> </div> </body> </html>
